Controversy Over Argentine Education Books

In Buenos Aires, the distribution of books featuring sexual themes for students has sparked outrage. Critics, including Vice President Villarruel, claim it's inappropriate for children. Supporters argue these books promote exploration of identity and reading.

Controversy Over Argentine Education Books

The governor of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, made a photo public showing the four books from the "Identidades Bonaerenses" collection that are handed out to students aged 14 to 15 years. This action generated controversy due to content considered inappropriate for that age. One of the titles, "Cometierra" by Dolores Reyes, addresses topics such as abortion and criticisms of religious institutions.

The controversy intensified when the Vice President of the Nation, Victoria Villarruel, expressed her outrage at what she considered an exaltation of pedophilia and the sexualization of children. On the other hand, the Natalio Morelli Foundation denounced Alberto Sileoni, the general director of Culture and Education in Buenos Aires, for distributing texts with explicit sexual content to students aged 12 to 15 years.

Among the works mentioned in the complaint are "Las aventuras de la China Iron" by Gabriela Cabezón Cámara and "Si no fuera tan niña," which address controversial themes. In response to the criticisms, Sileoni defended the collection as a supportive tool for teachers, highlighting that it aims to broaden students' reading perspectives.

The debate intensifies with divided opinions. While some defend the diversity of literary content to stimulate young people's interest, others argue that the innocence and modesty of children must be protected. Amid this controversy, the importance of promoting reflective debate on what types of readings are appropriate for each stage of students' development stands out.